Unless coach Brad Childress is surreptitiously sneaking in Joe Kapp to play quarterback in Kansas City, Kelly Holcomb is expected to make his first start as a Viking today. Holcomb isn't sure whether to consider this a beginning or an ending. Even before taking his first snap, Holcomb said he wants Minnesota to be the last stop in his 13-year NFL career, wants this to be the place he realizes the dreams he has been forced to defer. "I'm tired of moving," he said. "You never want to say never, because you don't know what's going to happen, but I want Minnesota to be my last place. Moving is tough on the family, tough on my wife, my children, my parents, her parents. You're always moving and looking for a new house and moving your stuff, and your wife and kids are leaving their best friends. "I would like this to be the place I end my career."