Jon Gruden has addressed the email controversy that cost him his job last October for the first time publicly.

The former Las Vegas Raiders coach spoke Tuesday at the Little Rock Touchdown Club in Arkansas, saying he was going to be "honest" with the gathering.

"I'm ashamed about what has come about in these emails, and I'll make no excuses for it," he said. "It's shameful. But I am a good person. I believe that. I go to church. I've been married for 31 years. I've got three great boys. I still love football. I've made some mistakes. But I don't think anybody in here hasn't. And I just ask for forgiveness, and hopefully, I get another shot."

Gruden's emails, which contained racist, anti-gay and misogynistic language, first came to light in a Wall Street Journal article Oct. 8. The New York Times published an article Oct. 11 that contained additional emails. Gruden resigned that night.