Former Raiders coach John Madden, a longtime friend of Al Davis, says there will never be another man like the former Oakland owner. "This can't be happening," Madden told XX Sports Sports Radio in San Diego when asked how he felt when he first heard the news. "This is Al Davis we're talking about. This can't be happening, but reality sometimes is very cruel. It was a tough weekend when we heard about it early Sunday morning. We all walked around kinda numb that day and yesterday's game was a tribute to Al and the spirit he had given the team. We almost lost it in the booth a couple of times." Madden said he was in shock when he heard the news. "I heard about it sometime, it was either late Friday or early Saturday," he said. "It was one of those calls that you get in the middle of the night when you're sleeping and it coulda been five or six o'clock. Amy Trask of the Raiders called and said 'Al Davis passed away' and I was in shock. I had been with Al Davis since I left San Diego State as a matter of fact in the 1960s. I had been with him directly or indirectly all those years, for six decades. He was a bigger part of my life than any outsider outside of family. He was my best friend. It's Al Davis. Al Davis doesn't die. Just the shock of it. Even though you could see him and knew he was sick and he was failing, he is a fighter, he fights that, you know he was gonna beat it. You always say that you knew he was failing and stuff, but it was still Al Davis. You didn't think it would happen to him."