Colts cornerback Nick Harper's wife told police she accidentally stabbed her husband while waving a filet knife at him during an argument, according to court documents. Daniell Harper, 31, remained Sunday night in the Hamilton County Jail, where she was being held without bond on preliminary charges of battery with a deadly weapon and criminal recklessness, both felonies. Sheriff Doug Carter said he was waiting for a judge to determine the conditions for the woman's release. The county prosecutor also must review the case. Nick Harper, 31, phoned 911 about 3:45 p.m. Saturday and was treated at an Indianapolis hospital after deputies and paramedics found him with a puncture wound to his right knee, police said. His wife told police the stabbing had been accidental, Sheriff's Department Sgt. Kevin W. Fessel said. "I don't think this began as a violent confrontation between the two," said Sheriff Carter. "I think this began as a conversation between the two that escalated."