Three men were held without bail Tuesday in the killing of Sean Taylor, placed on a suicide watch and described as extremely distraught a day after thousands mourned at the funeral of the Washington Redskins star. Charles Wardlow, 18, Jason Mitchell, 19, and Venjah Hunte, 20, appeared briefly by videoconference from Miami-Dade County jail, where they will remain after Judge John Thornton Jr.'s ruling. The three stood silently during the hearing. They were seen on video wearing special garments designed to keep them from using the clothes to make a noose. Taylor died Nov. 27, barely 24 hours after he was shot in the bedroom of his home a few miles from where he grew up. Police say he was a victim of a botched burglary. The three suspects and a fourth one, Eric Rivera, 17, all face charges of unpremeditated murder, home invasion with a firearm or another deadly weapon and armed burglary. Rivera is being processed at a juvenile detention center, jail officials said.