Peter King announced his retirement from writing during his weekly "Football Morning in America" column on Monday.

King spent 44 years as a sportswriter and has been one of the most influential voices in the NFL.

"Who’s complaining?" wrote King. "Not me. I’m the luckiest man on the face of the earth. To be a long-termer in an increasingly short-term business, to write this column for 27 years and to be a sportswriter for 44, well, that’s something I’ll always be grateful for. Truly, I’ve loved it all.

"I’m retiring*. I use an asterisk because I truly don’t know what the future holds for me. I probably will work at something, but as I write this I have no idea what it will be. Maybe it will be something in the media world, but just not Football Morning in America (nee Monday Morning Quarterback)."