The Dallas Cowboys employ a fixer compared to Winston Wolf in Pulp Fiction named David Wells.

"A tremendous asset to the franchise," Jerry Jones said. ". . . I won't get into detail of the kinds of things [Wells does], because he does everything."

Wells is former bail-bonds businessman in Dallas and he bridged the divide between cops and criminals over the years by befriending DA, judges and politicians. 

Wells first became affiliated with the Cowboys by working with Michael Irvin and that eventually caught the attention of Jones.

Wells says for every incident that generates a negative headline, 10 are handled without ever becoming public.

"When [Wells] tells me something is going on, it's right," Jones said recently. ". . . I have such trust in his skills."

Wells helped convince the Cowboys to draft Dez Bryant, who also lived with him for three years.

Bryant and Wells are now in the middle of a legal dispute.

"I got where all the bodies are buried," Wells says. "Do you really want to [expletive] with me? I mean, do you?"